Chrisley Knows Best


Todd Chrisley Julie Chrisley Lindsey Chrisley

Credit: Rick Diamond/Getty Images

A few weeks ago, Savannah Chrisley slammed rumors that Julie Chrisley was searching for a divorce lawyer to separate from Todd Chrisley. There has been no word about their relationship status since, but it seems like the couple’s attorney is weighing in on these rumors.

Back in September, Savannah Chrisley slammed rumors that her mother Julie Chrisley hired a lawyer to file for divorce from Todd Chrisley.

At the time, the 25-year-old took to Instagram to clear the air about her parents’ marriage.

“What a day it has been. Super busy,” Savannah began. “It’s been awesome, but while I was doing my last interview, I was notified that the—and I don’t even want to give these people the time of day—but I was notified that the National Inquire was going to be running a story on—or about Julie Chrisley hiring counsel to file for divorce.”

“That is a lie,” Savannah stated, noting, “And the only reason I’m speaking about the National Inquire is because frankly you should be held accountable for all of your lies.”

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While she had written “National Inquire” and referred to that name in her video, it appears that she is actually referring to the tabloid National Enquirer.

Her post went on to slam the paper’s tactics.

“That’s not journalism,” Savannah insisted. “Whoever is writing these articles really should find a new job because the fact that you are going out here and trying to wreak havoc on people’s lives with a lie is absolutely insane.”

She then cleared up some facts about Julie’s situation.

“So, no, my mother has not hired counsel,” she explained.

And it turns out the couple are still going strong despite not seeing each other for months!

According to TMZ, the couple’s attorney, Jay Surgent, says Todd and Julie are more in love than ever and definitely not splitting from each other.

Jay told TMZ that his clients “are supported by their mutual belief in God and belief that the criminal justice system will prevail.” The couple believe “god is directing everything” and things will ultimately turn out OK for them.

While this holiday season will be hard for Todd and Julie, Jay told the outlet that Julie “feels strength in their marriage.”

The attorney also slammed rumors that Todd convinced Julie to go forward with a “foolproof” plan.

“Todd didn’t convince her to go along with anything and she’s always maintained her position that she didn’t have much do to with the business affairs of their company and wasn’t aware what her financial advisors were doing,” TMZ relayed.

Evidently, Julie is still sad to be away from her husband as they serve their sentences separately.

“I just sat with my mother at visitation this weekend and she cried about how much she missed my father,” Savannah detailed back in September on Instagram.

Savannah then warned, “So for the people that are giving these outlets false stories, karma’s a b**ch and it’s going to come and bite you.”

The podcaster expressed her unhappiness that someone would try to publish that story.

“It’s just unfortunate that we live in a world that wants to tear families apart and wants to spew hate and lies,” Savannah expressed.

“And it’s just absolutely insane,” she finished.


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