
7 Little Johnstons: Liz Discusses The Reality Of Motherhood

It has been a few months since the fans have been seeing Leighton Bolden’s face on her family’s social media. The little one is just five months old, yet she is already a big star. Fans are often excited to see what the baby girl is up to, and the 7 Little Johnstons never disappoint.

Liz has been a fantastic mother. Fans have seen many adorable photos and videos of the star with their baby girl. And while she loves being a mom, she isn’t shying away from the more difficult conversations. Liz recently opened up about the struggles of being a mom.

7 Little Johnston

7 Little Johnstons: Liz Shares Views On The Less Glamorous Side Of Motherhood

Liz has been a mom for over five months now. This time has been full of big changes and adjustments. But the 7 Little Johnstons star is happy to do all that for her baby girl, Leighton. She often posts adorable videos and snaps of Leighton on social media. The mother and daughter are really bonding well.

As Liz is a reality TV star, fans pay close attention to her posts. So, she tries to make things as real and cheerful as possible. But Liz is also a new mom. So, she is also going through some major changes in her life. Liz has been open about the joys of motherhood, but in a new update, she is also talking about the challenges.

7 Little Johnstons

Liz shared a different side of being a mom in a new social media upload. She usually shares adorable photos and videos, but this time, Liz posted a story on her Instagram. Having a baby is a lot of responsibility. It includes lack of sleep, taking care of the baby, and much more. All these exhaust and often depress many moms. Liz’s new story talked about these struggles.

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The 7 Little Johnstons star uploaded a quote on her Instagram story. It addressed new moms, telling them not to feel bad if they don’t “have their sh** together.” Liz’s story said all new moms are “overstimulated messes, with to-do lists longer than our arms.” She also said there are always laundry piles “that we ignore every time.” They are all in the same boat.

7 Little Johnstons: Liz’s New Update About The Ever-growing Leighton

Since Leighton was born, Liz has left no opportunity to show off her baby girl. She is always giving fans updates about Leighton and her newest milestones. The fans also love to see the newest 7 Little Johnstons star as she plays and grows.

Liz told the fans she was returning to work as her maternity leave had ended. She was sad she had to leave Leighton behind, as Liz couldn’t take her to work. But the mother-daughter duo has settled into a nice rhythm since then. In fact, Liz is also happy that she has help from her family to take care of Leighton while she is at work.

In a new update, Liz posted photos of Leighton from February. Brice and Liz were also in some photos. In one snap, Leighton was in her car seat, wearing sunglasses. She was sleeping, drinking from her bottle, and smiling in a few photos. Aunt Emma thinks Leighton is a “sassy little princess.” On the other hand, Liz’s best friend Carol Beasley called the baby girl “beautiful.” Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the newest 7 Little Johnstons news.


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