Below Deck

Kate Chastain Makes a Surprising Confession About Her Son, Chef Ben, and Captain Lee

The Below Deck alum also gave an update on baby Sullivan while on WWHL.

Kate Chastain is plenty busy these days between her role as a new mother and filming Couch Talk with Captain Lee and Kate, but lucky for her, the two often go hand in hand as Captain Lee Rosbach is an important figure in Kate’s son’s life.

He’s not the only one, though — read on to hear Kate dish about the roles both Captain Lee and chef Ben Robinson are playing as her little one, Sullivan Cay, continues to grow up.

Ben Robinson and Captain Lee Rosbach’s Roles in Baby Sullivan’s Life
After recently calling chef Ben her son’s “fun-cle” (aka fun uncle), and Captain Lee a surrogate grandfather, Kate was asked on the Oct. 1 episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen if Sullivan’s “favorite” is Ben or Captain Lee.

Her response? “Well, Chef Ben is promising to cook for him. So right now, [Ben].”

When it comes to Captain Lee, Kate previously joked that he’s “the type of grandfather figure to Sullivan that you would expect to say, ‘I don’t do diapers.’”

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I think, you know, he loves him from afar,” she added with a laugh.

There’s no denying that Captain Lee gives solid parenting advice, though. As he told Kate on a recent episode of Couch Talk With Captain Lee and Kate, “Be a parent first, and a friend later. Somebody’s got to be the dick!”

The Latest on Kate Chastain’s Son, Sullivan
Kate shared more about her motherhood journey on WWHL, telling viewers that Sullivan is “doing so well,” and that raising him continues to be “so fun.”

Andy Cohen then complimented Kate’s parenting skills, telling her, “I feel like this is something you’ve been meant to do.”

“I think so too,” Kate said in agreement, while also acknowledging that she underestimated just how challenging motherhood would be. “It’s a lot more work than I expected — a lot more. But totally worth it.”

Kate Chastain with her newborn baby.

She expressed a similar sentiment back in August, telling ET, “You have to teach them literally everything. I didn’t know about ‘tummy time.’ You have to teach them to just lay on their tummy! Everything has to be taught. I thought they would kind of get it themselves.”

Thankfully, the former chief stew “love[s] a challenge,” so while motherhood has turned out to be “so much more difficult” than she expected, the learning process has ultimately been “healthy” for her.

“But a lot of moms would DM me on social media over the years and be like, ‘I’m the chief stew in my house! I’m chief stew at my home! I’ve got three kids, I cook dinner, I’ve got to do their laundry and all their rooms and, you know, picnics…’ I said, yeah, I guess it’s kind of similar. Good for you, but now I’m like, I wish I could tell all of those moms you had it so much harder!” Kate added. “I was the mom of the boat. They were not the chief stew of their home.”

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