Below Deck

Captain Sandy Yawn defends Kyle Viljoen amid Below Deck Med Season 8 feuds, blames his behavior on drinking

Kyle Viljoen and Captain Sandy Yawn on Below Deck Med Season 8
Captain Sandy addresses Kyle’s behavior on Below Deck Med Season 8. Pic credit: Bravo

Captain Sandy Yawn has spoken about Kyle Viljoen and his Below Deck Med Season 8 actions, leading to several feuds.

The current season of Below Deck Med has been hard to watch for many fans.

Below Deck Med viewers have voiced a lot of frustration with the season, especially regarding the return of Kyle and Natalya Scudder.

As Monster and Critics previously reported, Kyle’s latest issue on the show has him down for the count with a migraine he blames on stress.

Captain Sandy has had a front-row seat to some of the chaos with Kyle, but not all of it.

However, after watching the season, Captain Sandy has a better idea of what went down and has addressed Kyle’s actions on the show.

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Below Deck Med star Captain Sandy Yawn defends Kyle Viljoen and blames his behavior on alcohol

Speaking with Us Weekly to promote her partnership with Azuna, Captin Sandy addressed Kyle’s fight in the crew mess with Natalya and Max Salvador. Captain Sandy believes that Kyle would not have behaved that way if he hadn’t been drinking.

“As far as Kyle’s [fight with] Max [Salvador], alcohol is not a lot of people’s friends. I don’t think Kyle would say that if he was not under the influence. Kyle is a great human being just like Tumi and Natalya, and Max,” the captain shared.

Captain Sandy explained Kyle likely regrets his actions, referring to him addressing his behavior on social media. Then, she gave him props for owning his bad behavior.

“That’s what I really like about Kyle is that he does own it after he does it,” she stated before adding “If he could just prevent it [though] because he has no filter. Sometimes you can think stuff but just don’t use those words because it does impact other lives.”

Captain Sandy Yawn weighs in on Tumi Mhlongo and Kyle Viljoen’s working relationship

Another thing Below Deck Med fans have voiced concern about this season has been Tumi Mhlongo as a chief stew. Tumi has come under fire for already having a bad opinion of Natalya because of Kyle.

Captain Sandy talked about Tumi as chief stew and how she dealt with Kyle’s influence over the interior department.

“I think Tumi started to realize that Kyle was in the center of the tornado. It was about growing for Tumi and I think that she will continue in her career,” the captain stated to Us Weekly.

Despite a lot of problems with Kyle Viljoen and Tumi Mhlongo on Below Deck Med Season 8, Captain Sandy Yawn would work with both of them again. The only crew member that she wouldn’t work with is Ruan Irving because she can’t trust him after his fake document issues.

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